MONERE (2018)
For the 36 artists whose lives were lost in the Oakland Ghostship Fire, we dance for you.
In an effort to unite communities, Monere honored the lives lost in the Oakland Ghostship Fire that occurred in December 2016 by inviting five dancers, two graffiti artists, a spoken word artist and two musicians to contribute their individual artistic voices. Monere, literally meaning to remind, is the latin origin for the word monument: a building, structure or site that is of historical importance. The Ghostship Warehouse was of historical importance because it provided a space for a broad range of artists to unite, and artistic director, Khala Brannigan, was inspired to create a commemoration by holding those values throughout her process. Invaluable substances for overcoming the obstacles of loss is expression and community, which are the core beliefs behind the work. Monere offered humility and compassion to the victims and survivors of Ghostship, leading to a state of being that is higher than art; together.
Monere was awarded the Zellerbach Family Foundation Grant and premiered at the Joe Goode Annex March 15th, 16th, and 17th in San Francisco, CA.